We will not match sales made in connection with "closeouts", "liquidation sales", "clearance", free offers or refurbished products.
We reserve the right to limit the total quantities sold to all customers on any particular price-matched item. The Guarantee is limited to a single price match per exact item, per customer. We will not match mail-in rebates or Brother Instant Rebates nor can we deduct the value of any free gift with purchase. We will match the other store's final price (which includes all fees and shipping costs). You will naturally need a Dymo LabelWriter in order to print your stamps, but you will also need to setup your free Dymo Stamps account, and if you don't already have some blank stamps, you will need to buy some (you can order these from within the Dymo Stamps software). Be sure to save the URL (web page address) of the product you found, as we'll need to certify that the lower price is presently in stock. There are a few things you need to get started with DYMO Stamps. You can contact us by email at or by phone at (800) 748-6535. If you find a lower price on a new, in-stock item, provide us the lower price at the time of purchase and we will match or beat pricing. Pick up orders have no service fees, regardless of non-Instacart+ or Instacart+ membership. Use these stamp labels with DYMO LabelWriter printers for crisp. Instacart+ membership waives this like it would a delivery fee. Save time and money by printing a postage label from the Internet with DYMO Internet Postage. Instacart pickup cost: - There may be a "pickup fee" (equivalent to a delivery fee for pickup orders) on your pick up order that is typically $1.99 for non-Instacart+ members. With an optional Instacart+ membership, you can get $0 delivery fee on every order over $35 and lower service fees too. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper who delivers your order. It's a great way to show your shopper appreciation and recognition for excellent service. Tipping is optional but encouraged for delivery orders. Orders containing alcohol have a separate service fee. Service fees vary and are subject to change based on factors like location and the number and types of items in your cart. Fees vary for one-hour deliveries, club store deliveries, and deliveries under $35. Here's a breakdown of Instacart delivery cost: - Delivery fees start at $3.99 for same-day orders over $35. #DYMO STAMPS ACCOUNT PC#
Print $0.01 Additional Postage Stamps: When rates go up, you are covered! Requirements: Dymo Stamps account works with PC or Mac computer (Mac OS 10.4 or later, Windows XP, Vista and 7) internet connection Endicia printable postage sheets. First Class Mail International (1 oz): Postcard, letter, large envelope, package.
Priority Mail: Flat Rate: Envelope, box, large box. Choose from these Mail Classes: First Class Mail (1 to 13 oz): Postcard, letter, large envelope, package. Account terms are subject to change)! Postage amounts are purchased separately through the software.
Professional Design: Make your mail look good! No contracts or monthly fees (Printable Postage Stamp Sheets software is provided by Endicia, a licensed USPS PC Postage provider. Transportable: Perforations allow sheets to fold and detach. Save Time & Money: Software that inputs exact amounts.
An Approved Licensed Vendor: United States Postal Service PC postage. Real US postage! Print different mail classes from your printer! See back for details. Endicia software included! Just print peel & post.