This is why we have different blood types: B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-, AB+, and AB. Being a negative or positive blood type is determined by whether the person’s blood has a certain protein or not. The presence of A or B antigen, one of A or B antigens, or neither of the antigens determines your blood type. This is to show that blood groups are important and diets for them should not be overlooked. Another research implied that people belonging to any of the blood groups A, B, or AB are at an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease. For example, a study carried out in 2019 stated that people with blood type A and AB have a higher tendency of developing gastric cancer than other blood groups. It is known that diverse blood types might make people more prone or less prone to certain health conditions. This is why blood types play an important role in determining what kind of foods should be avoided or eaten. Embracing a diet that is suitable for your blood type can garner you a better understanding of your metabolism. Blood types are not just important for blood transfusion they can ultimately help promote overall well being.

Contrary to most opinions that suggest that blood types do not matter when it comes to food consumption, the actual fact is that your blood type is an important marker that plays an important role in the diet.